Our vision is to foster a culture of
care in the Ames community and beyond
by providing Christ-centered, clinically informed counseling, consultation
and training.
Our Story
Over the course of time, Cornerstone Church has recognized and partnered with many
professional counselors in the Ames community. We are deeply grateful for the good work they
have done in caring for the members of our church and community. We also recognize a growing need and desire for professional Christian counselors in Ames and surrounding communities as counseling services are often limited. Many individuals are driving to Ankeny or the Des Moines metro for professional counseling with a Christian orientation. For this reason, the leadership of Cornerstone Church began considering the possibility of creating a counseling center that would provide expert clinical care while working closely with area churches and organizations.
In Spring 2019, with considerable prayer and wise counsel, a decision was made to make
this investment. We began researching best practices, talking with area counselors and counseling centers around the country and learning from others. Potential staff counselors and interns were interviewed and we began bringing together a team of highly qualified and experienced professional Christian counselors. By God’s grace, we opened our doors on October 14, 2019 in our new office space in West Ames.
Our Approach
Our counselors look at everything through the framework of the story of God as revealed in the Bible. Whether you are a child, teen, college student, single adult, single parent, or married couple, we believe you have great value as an individual made in the image of God, and therefore have profound beauty–created fearfully and wonderfully. We also know that as human beings
we can and do experience brokenness. We believe that for true and lasting change to take place, we must attend to both soul and body. The reality that we live in a broken and fallen world with other wounded, broken people creates suffering and pain in our lives. Therefore, our counseling seeks
to not only address the presenting issues and suffering common to people, but to also explore the complex and largely hidden desires of the soul. God is in the business of restoring and renewing
all things and we believe no person is beyond His redeeming grace.
As Christian therapists, our worldview is determined by our best understanding of God’s
wisdom as expressed in Scripture. In addition, we value the increasing understandings of medical, psychological and behavioral research into the complexity of human motivations and behavior as a more informed view of ourselves as human beings. As a result, our therapeutic practices embrace spirituality together with psychological theories and interventions as a holistic approach to treating clients.